Playrooms can be a difficult area to organize. What’s the point, if your kids are just going to wreck it in 10 minutes! I think the key to a successful playroom is to have the clean up be kid friendly and EASY. If your children aren’t able to easily dump their toys back into the bins/areas that they belong by themselves, then it’s just not going to function.
Children’s artwork can really pile up. Tossing your 5-year-old’s finger painting project feels cruel, yet your refrigerator can only hold so much. Above are two great solutions. Simple IKEA curtain rods can help you display your children’s artwork in almost any area of your home. Clipboards are also a fun way to showcase their projects. You can change the pictures on either frequently so your home décor is always fresh and new!
Multipurpose Items:
Storage bins are necessary for any playroom. Using them for toy storage is great, but they can be used as a great learning tool as well. Help your children learn the alphabet by painting letters onto the bin. It’s also really helpful for children to learn how to group. They ca now just dumped all the Lego’s into the Lego bin. Sort them by color to add to their learning experience. It’s simple, easy, and most importantly, there is no excuse for why they can’t help you clean up! Bins on casters can also serve as seating for your little ones!
Organizing Toys:
Cars, cars, and more cars! Consider using magnetic strips to control the toy car chaos.
Puzzle pieces stored in their boxes tends to take up too much space. These zipper pouches not only condense the space needed to store your puzzles, but it also makes it easier to keep all your pieces together!
Store like items together. It keeps things organized and easy for your children to not only find what they are looking for, but they can also put things away easily.
Chalkboard paint is great! Tiny little chalk pieces littering your floors are not. Use decorative drawer pulls as a creative and beautiful way to keep your stray chalk pieces within reach
Stuffed animals can overtake the whole room. Try this cute idea of creating a zoo for your wild animals.